
Build Tools

These are tools that build and compile various files needed by WordWeaver.

The FileMaker class is used to create both docx and latex outputs of conjugations.

class wordweaver.buildtools.file_maker.FileMaker(conjugations=[])

Takes conjugations and creates files (docx, latex or pdf)

class wordweaver.buildtools.file_maker.DocxMaker(conjugations)
class wordweaver.buildtools.file_maker.LatexMaker(conjugations)


This folder deals with interactions between the API and the fomabin language model.

Requests must be encoded into tags for the FST:

class wordweaver.fst.encoder.FstEncoder(args)

A class for batch creating upper-side sequence of morphological tags to be submitted to the FST with down fst_tag Template follows spec from FST_CONFIG[‘template’]

The output of the FST must be decoded into a response that the API returns:

class wordweaver.fst.decoder.FstDecoder(fst_output)

Turn FST Output like ^PP-^seni^R-^khonni^R^ into values for HTTP response

Translations into English are done through the EnglishGenerator class:

class wordweaver.fst.english_generator.EnglishGenerator

Generate basic plain English based on tag from FstTagMaker


This folder contains all resources for the RESTful WordWeaver API.